Artigo: Ex vivo evaluation of the effectiveness and accuracy of electronic apex locators in the identification of the actual working length - Endodontics 2016 v06n1 - Clinical Orthodontics

Ex vivo evaluation of the effectiveness and accuracy of electronic apex locators in the identification of the actual working length

Artigo Original

Introduction: The use of electronic apex locators (EALs)is essential to identify the actual working length (AWL),since the radiographic method has limitations. Objective:The aim of this study was to compare the effectivenessand accuracy of three EALs: Root ZXTM, NovApexTMand Justy IITM in the indentification of the AWL. Methods:Thirty extracted human incisors were selected. Aftercoronal opening and cervical preparation, a #15 K-file wasinserted into the canal until its tip reached the apical foramen.The actual length (AL) was observed using a digitalcaliper and magnification with an...

Autores: Carlos Alberto Herrero De Morais, Marcos Sérgio Endo, Joana Yumi Teruya Uchimura, Rosangela Getirana Santana, Emerson Barili,

Cimentos endodônticos podem induzir câncer? Como saber?
Cimentos endodônticos podem induzir câncer? Como saber?

Os cimentos obturadores podem ser à base de hidróxido de cálcio, óxido de zinco e eugenol, ionômero de vidro, de natureza resinosa com metacrilato em sua composição ou, ainda, de silicone. Eles deveriam ser submetidos à investigação sobre seu possível efeito genotóxico e mutagênico antes de serem lançados no comércio especializado, com livre comercialização, pois essas propriedades fazem parte do conceito de biocompatibilidade. No presente artigo, destacam-se os tipos de testes...

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Análise, ex vivo, da eficácia e da acurácia de localizadores apicais eletrônicos na determinação do comprimento de trabalho

a utilização dos localizadores apicais eletrônicos (LAEs) é imprescindível na obtenção do comprimento real de trabalho (CRT), visto que o método radiográfica apresenta limitações. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficácia e acurácia de três LAEs (Root ZX®, NovApex® e Justy II®), na determinação do CRT. Trinta incisivos humanos extraídos foram selecionados. Após a abertura coronária e preparo cervical, uma lima tipo K #15 foi introduzida no interior do canal até sua...

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O preparo químico-mecânico permite a antissepsia do sistema de canais radiculares por meio da ação das substâncias químicas, sendo decisivo para o sucesso da terapêutica. A reintervenção endodôntica fundamenta-se em um novo tratamento, por meio da completa remoção do material obturador, reinstrumentação, antissepsia e adequada obturação, quando o tratamento inicial fracassou. Relatar um caso clínico de reintervenção endodôntica no elemento dentário # 46, por meio do uso de...

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O traumatismo dentário é um problema comum na infância, podendo trazer grandes impactos psicossociais na vida da criança. O tratamento endodôntico de dentes com necrose pulpar e reabsorções radiculares na região apical pode ser um grande desafio para o cirurgião dentista, especialmente na fase da obturação. O MTA é um material consolidado na literatura para realização de plugs apicais, dessa forma minimizando o risco de extravasamento do material obturador, reduzindo o tempo de...

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Avulsão e luxação intrusiva em dentes decíduos: relato de caso
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Endodontics challenges: What do we need?
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Do root canal sealers lead to cancer? How can we find out?
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Root canal sealers can be made with calcium hydroxide,zinc oxide and eugenol, glass ionomer, resin associatedwith methacrylate or silicone. They should besubjected to investigation on their potential for genotoxicand mutagenic effects before being launched intothe specialized market, since such properties are part ofthe biocompatibility concept. In the present study, testmodalities and the concepts of genotoxicity, mutagenicityand carcinogenesis are highlighted.

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Ex vivo evaluation of the effectiveness and accuracy of electronic apex locators in the identification of the actual working length
Ex vivo evaluation of the effectiveness and accuracy of electronic apex locators in the identification of the actual working length

Introduction: The use of electronic apex locators (EALs)is essential to identify the actual working length (AWL),since the radiographic method has limitations. Objective:The aim of this study was to compare the effectivenessand accuracy of three EALs: Root ZXTM, NovApexTMand Justy IITM in the indentification of the AWL. Methods:Thirty extracted human incisors were selected. Aftercoronal opening and cervical preparation, a #15 K-file wasinserted into the canal until its tip reached the apical...

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Endodontic reintervention with ProTaper Universal Retreatment files: a case report
Endodontic reintervention with ProTaper Universal Retreatment files: a case report

Introduction: Chemical-mechanical preparation enablesantisepsis of the root canal system by the action ofchemical substances, being crucial for therapeutic success.Endodontic reintervention is grounded on a new treatmentapproach in which the filling material is completelyremoved before reinstrumentation, antisepsis and adequatefilling when previous treatment fails. Objective: To reporta clinical case of endodontic reintervention on a mandibularfirst molar on the right side by using ProTaper...

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Endodontic treatment in anterior teeth after tooth trauma: apical sealing with MTA
Endodontic treatment in anterior teeth after tooth trauma: apical sealing with MTA

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Alternative method for placing calcium hydroxide paste into the root canal system as intracanal medication
Alternative method for placing calcium hydroxide paste into the root canal system as intracanal medication

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An unusual maxillary second molar with two palatal root canals: a case report

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Analysis of Bifidobacterium dentium and Fusobacterium nucleatum biofilm formation on different substrates by confocal laser scanning microscopy
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Avulsion and intrusive luxation in deciduous teeth: a case report
Avulsion and intrusive luxation in deciduous teeth: a case report

Introduction: The occurrence of tooth injuries duringchildhood is common, about a third of children in primarydentition suffer from dental trauma. Proper treatment ofdental trauma in primary dentition prevents pain andthe successor tooth germ from being affected. Objectiveand case report: The objective of this report wasto describe the case of a 5-year-old child who soughttreatment at the Specialized Trauma Center in Dentistryof Maringá, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM),three days...

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