Influence of the type of endodontic sealer on glass fiber post adhesion: literature review
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Introduction: Glass fiber posts are widely used whenendodontically treated teeth present great structural lossand require support for coronal reconstruction. Completeadhesion of the post to the root canal wall is fundamentalfor the success of this restoration. Endodontic sealerresidues that remain on the dentin walls, even after preparationfor cementation, may negatively interfere with theadhesion and contribute for post displacement. This literaturereview evaluated the effect of different endodonticsealers and the time between obturation and post cementationon the bond strength. Methods:...
Autores: Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal Silva, Maria José Mayara De Oliveira Soares, Nádia De Souza Ferreira,
In the last 50 years of endodontics life, significant changes occurred towardshealth promotion for patients, with elimination of infections, and at the same time,maintaining teeth in the oral cavity. This fact represents an important judgment withinthe analysis of factors for the evolution of a specialty in the area of human health.Scientific advances in basic areas have allowed deeper and better understandingof the phenomena that involve the processes of aggression and defense withinthe...
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Leia maisIntroduction: The maintenance of natural dentition ispreferable in most of cases. However, nowadays it ispossible to use dental implants in cases where prognosisis very limited. Endodontics and all of its therapeutic modalitiesplay an important role, which has, in principle, toprevent or eliminate apical periodontitis providing betterconditions for wound healing of periapical and bone tissues.In the past few years, with technological advances,root canal treatment became more predictable and...
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Leia maisIntroduction: Intraradicular posts are recommended toimprove the retention of artificial crowns and to distributeintraoral forces along the root. If the space created bypartially removing the obturation is not adequately filled,it can lead to a massive infiltration of microorganismsfrom the oral cavity. Aim: The aim of this study was toassess the influence on bacterial infiltration of an intracanalbarrier placed directly over the remaining root canalfilling following post space preparation....
Leia maisBackground: The elimination of Enterococcus faecalisof the root canals is fundamental for endodontic success,since these microorganisms are difficult to killed, especiallywhen organized in biofilms. The search for drugsor their combinations that can eliminate these microorganismsis one of the main therapeutic aim. This studyevaluated the antimicrobial action of experimental intracanalmedications on Enterococcus faecalis biofilms.Methods: Forty uniradicular bovine teeth were used;their crowns...
Leia maisObjective: This study used micro-CT to evaluate theamount of remaining filling material in curved root canalsobturated with Endosequence BC Sealer/Cpoint orAH/gutta-percha after a rotary or reciprocating retreatment.Methods: Sixty mesiobuccal canals of maxillarymolars were instrumented up to MTwo #35.04. Sampleswere randomly assigned to four groups (n=15): canalsfrom G1 and G2 were filled with AH/gutta-percha, andcanals from G3 and G4 were filled with BC/Cpoint. Fillingmaterial was removed...
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Leia maisIntroduction: Glass fiber posts are widely used whenendodontically treated teeth present great structural lossand require support for coronal reconstruction. Completeadhesion of the post to the root canal wall is fundamentalfor the success of this restoration. Endodontic sealerresidues that remain on the dentin walls, even after preparationfor cementation, may negatively interfere with theadhesion and contribute for post displacement. This literaturereview evaluated the effect of different...
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