Editorial Board
messages.RevistaAutores: Corpo Editorial,
Considerations on the use of computed tomography in Endodontics
Is the CT scan really a high cost for the patient, or is there a resistance on the part of most professionals to indicate it? Paradigms have already been broken with regard to the radiation dose. In many universities in the USA, the patient does not wear a lead apron during the exam because the...
Autores: Marco Antonio Húngaro Duarte, Rodrigo Ricci Vivan,
messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,
An interview with Celso Luiz Caldeira
I am from São Paulo, born in 1967 in the Brás neighborhood in the central zone of São Paulo - a neighborhood of workers and "homeland" of Italian immigrants - and spent my entire childhood on the edge of the train tracks, in a village of residents of Italian origin. Today, I know that...
Autores: Celso Luiz Caldeira, Murilo Priori Alcalde,
messages.RevistaAutores: entrevista,
Cracked teeth: What clinicians and specialists need to know
The purpose of this literature review is to examine the existing evidence regarding etiology, signs, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, and treatment of cracked teeth. According to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), the term cracked tooth (CT) is defined as “a fracture in a plane...
Autores: Eduardo Nunes, Frank Ferreira Silveira, Stéphanie Quadros Tonelli, Kênia Maria Pereira Soares de Toubes,
messages.RevistaAutores: onlay, Dental Restoration, Intracanal posts, Cracked teeth, Full-coverage crown,
Wettability of an epoxy resin-based root canal sealer on dentin treated with different chelating protocols
Aim: Evaluate the wettability of AH Plus in contact with root dentin after different chelating protocols involving etidronic acid (HEBP) and EDTA. Material and Methods: Fifty six human polished root dentin slices were used. They were irrigated with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) or a mixture...
Autores: Marcela Baraúna Magno, Oscar Faciola Pessoa, Maíra Do Prado, Kawanne Ferreira Moraes Medeiros, Patricia de Almeida Rodrigues, Renata A. Simão,
messages.RevistaAutores: Etidronic Acid, Root canal irrigants, Chelating agents, Wettability, Edetic Acid,
Evaluation of the number of root canals of mandibular incisors using cone beam computed tomography
Introduction: The study of root and rood canal anatomy is relevant for endodontic treatment. Therefore, knowledge of the root canal morphology is essential to achieve an endodontic that results in success. However, the professional has limited information of this knowledge and difficult access...
Autores: Carlos Eduardo Da Silveira Bueno, Cesar Augusto Perini Rosas, Alexandre Sigrist de Martins, Juliana de Moraes Soldera, Emílio Henrique Rocha Gonçalves Ferreira,
messages.RevistaAutores: Anatomy, cone-beam computed tomography, Incisor,
Accuracy of endodontic millimeter rulers and calibrator hole, and evaluation of the regularity of the calibrator hole surface
Objective: The aim was to evaluate the accuracy of the millimeter and calibration portion and evaluate the regularity of the calibrator orifice surfaces of the endodontic rulers. Methods: The millimeter portion of the Angelus, Maillefer, Maquira, Microdont and Prisma rulers was evaluated with an...
Autores: Patrícia de Andrade Risso, Adília Maria Vieira Bruno, Bruna Danielle Menezes Dias, Manoela Teixeira de Sant’Anna Dadalti,
messages.RevistaAutores: Dimensional measurement accuracy, Endodontic, Body Surface Area,
Evaluation of dentin discoloration caused by endodontic root canal sealers due to ultrasonic agitation
Introduction: Tooth discoloration is an aesthetic problem commonly reported by patients as one of the main reasons to seek a dentist. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the dentin discoloration caused by AH Plus, MTA Fillapex, Sealer Plus and Pulp Canal Sealer EWT endodontic sealers, associated...
Autores: Bruno Carvalho De Vasconcelos, Nilton Vivacqua Gomes, Elilton Cavalcante Pinheiro Júnior, Suyane M. Luna Cruz, Natacha Bernardes Gonçalves,
messages.RevistaAutores: Endodontics, Discoloration, Ultrasonic agitation,
Influence of coronal pre-enlargement on cyclic fatigue resistance of heat-treated reciprocating instruments
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cervical pre-flaring on the cyclic fatigue resistance of two heat-treated reciprocating instruments. Methods: 20 Reciproc Blue (R25 Blue) instruments e 20 X1 Blue File (X1) were used to instrument resin blocks simulating an upper...
Autores: Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal Silva, Victor Talarico Leal, Carolina Oliveira De Lima, Henrique Dos Santos Antunes, Carla Andrade Coura,
messages.RevistaAutores: fatigue, Endodontics, Dentistry,
Asymptomatic apical periodontitis with cortical bone disruption in patient under continuous treatment with Isotretinoin: case report
Introduction: Asymptomatic apical periodontitis (AAP) is characterized by inflammation and destruction of the periapical tissues and its progression leads to bone resorption, which may be aggravated by continuous use of Isotretinoin. The objective of this study was to report the resolution of...
Autores: Josiane De Almeida, Patricia Maria Poli Kopper, Anarela Vassen Bernardi, Jhenniffer Silva, Marlowa Crema, Patrícia Ribeiro,
messages.RevistaAutores: tomography., Endodontics, Periapical Periodontitis, X-Ray Computed, Isotretinoin,
Use of the Reciproc Blue instrument associated with photodynamic therapy: case report
Introduction: The presence of microorganisms is considered the main cause of endodontic therapy failure. In addition, an internal anatomy also poses a major challenge for endodontists. In this way, avail a series of quick techniques and increase the chance of success. The reason of this study...
Autores: Renato Piai Pereira, Clarissa Teles Rodrigues, Rogério Vieira Silva, Thayse Pithon Quadros Ravazzi, Fernanda Lara Amaral Aguiar Santos,
messages.RevistaAutores: Endodontics, Photochemotherapy, Dental pulp necrosis,
Sealing of root perforation associated with connective tissue graft in aesthetic area: Case report
Introduction: Root perforation is the communication between the walls of the root canal and the periodontal space. The time, location and size of the perforation are factors that affect the prognosis of the tooth. Objective: To report a clinical case of treatment of supraosseous root perforation...
Autores: Carlos Estrela, Daniel De Almeida Decurcio, Vinícius Caixeta Sousa, Paulo Otávio Carmo Souza, Marina César Machado, Mateus Gehrke Barbosa, Juliano Gonçalves Miguel,
messages.RevistaAutores: Endodontics, Iatrogenic Disease, Graft Survival,
Endodontic regenerative procedures with 2% chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide: case report
Introduction: Many substances have been used as irrigating solutions to promote pulp regeneration and root development in teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis. The use of 2% chlorhexidine as an irrigating solution in association with Calcium Hydroxide could be an alternative. Methods: In the case...
Autores: Marco Antonio Húngaro Duarte, Rodrigo Ricci Vivan, Clovis Monteiro Bramante, Murilo Priori Alcalde, Lincoln De Campos Fruchi,
messages.RevistaAutores: Chlorhexidine, Apexification, Regenerative Endodontics,
Foraminal enlargement as a complement in the endodontic treatment for the regeneration of an extensive periapical lesion. A case report
Introduction: Foraminal enlargement refers to intentional mechanical enlargement of the foramen to reduce the bacterial load in an area frequently affected by endodontic infections beyond the limits of the apical constriction. The objective of this case report is to present the foraminal...
Autores: Augusto Shoji Kato, Patricio Melendez, Fernando Peña Bengoa, Nicolás Armando Dufey,
messages.RevistaAutores: Root Canal Therapy, Periapical Periodontitis, Retreatment, foraminal enlargement, Periapical repair,