Artigo: Evaluation of chemical substances used as solvents in endodontic retreatment - Endodontics 2017 v07n3 - Clinical Orthodontics

Evaluation of chemical substances used as solvents in endodontic retreatment

Artigo Original

Introduction: The solvent power of chemicals used in endodontic retreatment is an important property related to the quality of filling material removal. Objective: To compare the solvent power of five substances used in endodontic retreatment after contact with gutta-percha. Methods: A total of 18 gutta-percha cones (#80), weighed on a precision analytical scale and divided into six groups were used: I) chloroform; II) eucalyptol; III) xylol; IV) halothane; V) d’limonene; VI) saline solution (negative control). The cones were immersed in 5 mL of each substance tested inside closed amber...

Autores: Carlos Alberto Herrero De Morais, Marco Antonio Húngaro Duarte, Marcos Sérgio Endo, Alfredo Franco Queiroz, Marcelo Capitânio,

Cisto gengival do adulto: diagnóstico diferencial com fístulas, abscessos, mucoceles e neoplasias
Cisto gengival do adulto: diagnóstico diferencial com fístulas, abscessos, mucoceles e neoplasias

O cisto gengival do adulto nem sempre é notado, devido ao seu crescimento limitado e ausência de sintomatologia. Em quase todos os casos, está localizado na face vestibular. O diagnóstico diferencial inclui mucocele, abscesso gengival, fístulas e algumas neoplasias benignas. Os adenomas, neuromas e neoplasias ou cistos odontogênicos periféricos podem se localizar nos tecidos gengivais e, quando ainda são pequenos e detectáveis, podem simular o cisto gengival do adulto. Esse...

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A importância da terapia fotodinâmica na descontaminação do sistema de canais radiculares: relatos de casos

O tratamento endodôntico permite a descontaminação do sistema de canais radiculares por meio do preparo químico-mecânico, medicação curativa intracanal e obturação do sistema de canais radiculares. Porém, a literatura aponta que microrganismos podem ter desenvolvido meios de resistência às manobras do método tradicional. Como meio terapêutico adicional, a terapia fotodinâmica (também conhecida como PDT, ou Photodynamic therapy) foi incorporada no tratamento endodôntico...

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Uso de ultrassom e laser na descontaminação do sistema de canais radiculares: revisão de literatura
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O maior obstáculo para o sucesso do tratamento endodôntico é a eliminação da microbiota instalada. A instrumentação mecânica, bem como as substâncias químicas auxiliares, é utilizada para eliminação dessa microbiota. Além das soluções irrigantes, outras técnicas complementares, como a agitação ultrassônica passiva (PUI) e o laser, estão sendo utilizadas para otimizar a eliminação dos microrganismos. Desse modo, o presente estudo objetivou o levantamento bibliográfico de...

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The need for the scientific foundation
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Gingival cyst of the adult: differential diagnosis with fistulas, abscesses, mucoceles and neoplasias
Gingival cyst of the adult: differential diagnosis with fistulas, abscesses, mucoceles and neoplasias

Gingival cyst of the adult is not always noticed due to its limited growth and absence of symptomatology. In nearly all cases, it is located on the buccal surface. Differential diagnosis includes mucoceles, gingival abscesses, fistulas, and some benign neoplasms. Adenomas, neuromas and neoplasms or peripheral odontogenic cysts can be located in the gingival tissue, and when they are small and still detectable, they can simulate the gingival cyst of the adult. The latter is a round,...

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The importance of photodynamic therapy for decontamination of the root canal system: case reports
The importance of photodynamic therapy for decontamination of the root canal system: case reports

Introduction: Endodontic treatment allows for decontamination of the root canal system by means of chemomechanical preparation, intracanal dressing and filling. However, the literature shows that microorganisms may have developed ways of resisting the procedures of traditional method. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been incorporated in conventional endodontic treatment as an additional therapeutic measure for microbial control, besides being of easy and rapid application in single or...

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Treatment of extensive furcation defect associated with accessory foramina: case report
Treatment of extensive furcation defect associated with accessory foramina: case report

Introduction: Understanding of pulp cavity variations is necessary to guarantee success of endodontic treatment, which makes relevant the recognition of accessory canals in furcation areas (FC). Objective: The aim of this study was to report a clinical case of a mandibular first molar associated with extensive bone loss in furcation area with the presence of an accessory canal. Case report: Patient’s complaint was the appearance of “bubbles surrounding the tooth.” Clinic examination...

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Use of ultrasound and laser in root canal decontamination: literature review
Use of ultrasound and laser in root canal decontamination: literature review

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Multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of external cervical resorption: case report
Multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of external cervical resorption: case report

Introduction: Root resorption is a pathological process that results in loss of cementum, dentin and bone. It is triggered by an imbalance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Diagnosis usually occurs through radiographic examination and/or CT scan. Objective: This study reports the treatment of a case of external cervical resorption with a multidisciplinary approach involving Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics. Methods: CT image revealed external cervical resorption in...

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Evaluation of methylene blue penetration capacity in root dentin of human teeth with and without sonication: a pilot study
Evaluation of methylene blue penetration capacity in root dentin of human teeth with and without sonication: a pilot study

Introduction: As the need for complementary antimicrobial therapies arises, photodynamic therapy (PDT) shows promising results in the inactivation of microorganisms inside root canals. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the penetration capacity of a photosensitizer, i.e., methylene blue, inside the dentin at cervical, middle and apical levels of root canals of human teeth, while comparing different applications of the solution. Methods: The sample included 20 single-root...

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In vitro study of maxillary and mandibular premolars internal morphology by means of four methods
In vitro study of maxillary and mandibular premolars internal morphology by means of four methods

The aim of this study was to assess, in vitro, and by means of four criteria (radiographic, macroscopic, microscopic and serial section), the amount and configuration of root canals in maxillary and mandibular premolars. It is a crosssectional observational and descriptive study, in which 100 premolars were selected. Exclusion criteria comprised teeth destroyed by caries, presenting previous endodontic treatment, incomplete root formation, resorption and/or fractures. The teeth were divided...

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The importance of instrumentation systems hibridization in endodontic treatment: case report
The importance of instrumentation systems hibridization in endodontic treatment: case report

Introduction: The combination of suitable mechanical preparation, root canal disinfection and satisfactory filling is key for a favorable prognosis in endodontic treatment. The anatomical complexity of root canals is a limiting factor in instrumentation, and requires clinicians to carry out different procedures in order to achieve it. Objective: The aim of this study was to report a case of endodontic treatment of tooth #47, with complex anatomical traits and double root curvature in a...

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Evaluation of chemical substances used as solvents in endodontic retreatment
Evaluation of chemical substances used as solvents in endodontic retreatment

Introduction: The solvent power of chemicals used in endodontic retreatment is an important property related to the quality of filling material removal. Objective: To compare the solvent power of five substances used in endodontic retreatment after contact with gutta-percha. Methods: A total of 18 gutta-percha cones (#80), weighed on a precision analytical scale and divided into six groups were used: I) chloroform; II) eucalyptol; III) xylol; IV) halothane; V) d’limonene; VI) saline...

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Cervical lesions in the aesthetic zone with exposure of radicular canals: the role of a multidisciplinary approach
Cervical lesions in the aesthetic zone with exposure of radicular canals: the role of a multidisciplinary approach

Introduction: Some clinical situations do not present as ideal for proper restorative treatment, and the dentist must find alternative ways to properly access the gingival margin. Objective: The objective of this report is to present a case of cervical lesions with buccal exposure of root canals in which interaction among Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry and Periodontics was key to success. Case report: Patient presented with subgingival cervical carious lesions, with exposure of anterior...

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Use of calcium hydroxide paste associate with 2% chlorhexidine gel and zinc oxide as dressing: case report
Use of calcium hydroxide paste associate with 2% chlorhexidine gel and zinc oxide as dressing: case report

Introduction: Intracanal dressings should be used because shaping and cleaning alone do not eliminate microorganisms adhered to the canal walls. In specific cases, treatment may have to be conducted over several visits, which may have an adverse effect because success depends on patient’s cooperation to return to the office several times. Thus, medication combinations are important, as they remain in the root canal for long periods of time. The activity of each substance is then preserved,...

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