Artigo: Detection of pulp stones in incisors by digital dental radiography - Endodontics 2018 v08n1 - Clinical Orthodontics

Detection of pulp stones in incisors by digital dental radiography

Artigo Original

Introduction: Pulp stones are calcifications of an uncertainetiology that are found in the pulp tissue and have variablesizes. They are found as single or multiple radiopaquecircular or ovoid shaped images and are detected duringroutine radiographic examinations. A previous adequateplanning to the endodontic treatment is necessary, and thedetection of these alterations is part of this stage. Thus, ourobjective is to detect pulp stones in superior and lower incisors.Methodology: We used 793 digital periapical radiographsof the anterior teeth, totaling 2.999 teeth. The resultswere organized in...

Autores: Paulo Henrique Weckwerth, Luiz Fernando Tomazinho, Vanessa Rodrigues Nascimento, Felipe Tailan, Cláudio Menezes, Cintia De Souza Alferes Araújo, Mirella Lindoso Gomes Campos,

Belief X Science in clinical practice in Endodontics
Belief X Science in clinical practice in Endodontics

To our patients,fondly.At present times, we come across countless social media postsabout clinical protocols to be implemented in patients by clinicianswho act as if they were teachers sharing their beliefs.However, they do so without scientific support while proclaimingthat what they do is the absolute truth and the correct meanstowards achieving success in endodontic and dental treatment.

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Detection of pulp stones in incisors by digital dental radiography
Detection of pulp stones in incisors by digital dental radiography

Introduction: Pulp stones are calcifications of an uncertainetiology that are found in the pulp tissue and have variablesizes. They are found as single or multiple radiopaquecircular or ovoid shaped images and are detected duringroutine radiographic examinations. A previous adequateplanning to the endodontic treatment is necessary, and thedetection of these alterations is part of this stage. Thus, ourobjective is to detect pulp stones in superior and lower incisors.Methodology: We used 793...

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Influence of powder-liquid ratio on the physicochemical properties of MTA Repair HP cement

Introduction: MTA Repair HP has been recently developed.The aim of this study was to evaluate setting time, radiopacityand solubility of HP Repair MTA in powder-liquidratio according to manufacturer’s instructions (MTA HP+,0.8 g powder and liquid 320μl) or less powder (MTA HP-0.7 g powder and liquid 320 μl) compared to MTA Angelus.Material and methods: The radiopacity was assessed byradiographs of materials in relation to an aluminum scale.Setting time was evaluated by Gilmore needles;...

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Introduction: Periapical lesions affect non-vital teeth becauseof infection by microorganisms that remain in the rootcanal. On radiographs, this type of lesion is a circumscribedradiolucent image in the apical region; it may be large, anddentists may indicate complementary surgery inadvertently.Therefore, clinical cases should demonstrate the possibility ofextensive periapical lesion repair after endodontic treatmentwith intracanal medicaments and no endodontic surgery.Case report: After the...

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Influence of sealer placement technique on the filling of mandibular incisors
Influence of sealer placement technique on the filling of mandibular incisors

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