Effectiveness of etidronate in root canal smear layer removal: A study with scanning electron microscopy
Artigo Original
Introduction: We evaluated the effect of individual andcombined use of 18% etidronate (HEBP) in root canalsmear layer removal using scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Methods: Thirty human single-rooted teeth wereused. The roots were prepared with ProTaper UniversalSystem rotary files and randomly divided into three groupsaccording to the irrigation protocol used. G1: 2.5% sodiumhypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid (EDTA); G2: 2.5% NaOCl and 18% HEBP;and G3: 2.5% NaOCl + HEBP 18%, mixed in equal parts.The roots were sectioned longitudinally and metallized forSEM...
Autores: Ingrid Amanajás De Oliveira, Ana Daniela Silva Da Silveira, Brenna Magdalena Lima Nogueira, Carla Ruffeil Moreira Mesquita, Cláudia Pires ROTHBARTH,
Novas tecnologias vêm sendo incorporadas aos protocolos endodônticos com o intuito de facilitar ou tornar mais eficiente a atuação dos profissionais que os executam. Nessa perspectiva, os localizadores eletrônicos fora- minais (LEFs) apresentam-se como ferramentas quase indis- pensáveis para uma correta determinação do comprimento real dos condutos. Por sua vez, essa etapa reveste-se de vital importância para que os procedimentos endodônticos sejam mais precisos e limitem-se às...
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Leia maisIntroduction: We evaluated the effect of individual andcombined use of 18% etidronate (HEBP) in root canalsmear layer removal using scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Methods: Thirty human single-rooted teeth wereused. The roots were prepared with ProTaper UniversalSystem rotary files and randomly divided into three groupsaccording to the irrigation protocol used. G1: 2.5% sodiumhypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid (EDTA); G2: 2.5% NaOCl and 18% HEBP;and G3: 2.5% NaOCl...
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Leia maisThis paper describes an unusual case of right maxillarycanine with two roots. This is the fourth finding thathas been reported in the literature. A 66-year-old femalepatient was referred to endodontic treatment inthe tooth #13. Clinical evaluation showed that tooth#13 presented no response after the vitality test. Radiographswere taken and revealed that the tooth #13presented two roots. Then, the patient was submittedto endodontic treatment. This case report is relevantbecause it describes...
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