Success in Endodontics
Success, in the dictionary, is defined as “to succeed at something”, “to have a happy result at something”, or “to be able to reach the end of an endeavor”. Within Endodontics, following these concepts, some consider that success would be to accomplish the endodontic treatment, finishing it at the correct limit, with an excellent visual quality of the radiograph and in the shortest possible time.
Autores: Marco Antonio Húngaro Duarte, Rodrigo Ricci Vivan,
Professor Titular de Endodontia da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo (FOUSP) e da Universidade Santa Cecília (UNISANTA). Orientador da Área de Endodontia do Programa de Pós-graduação da FOUSP. Coordenador dos Cursos de Especialização em Endodontia da FOUSP e da UNISANTA. Vice-diretor da FOUSP. E-mail para contato:
Leia maisIntrodução: A indicação das soluções anestésicas nos tratamentos endodônticos de rotina deve estar fundamentada nos conhecimentos dos possíveis efeitos que essas substâncias podem desencadear no paciente sistemicamente comprometido. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi priorizar a indicação e discutir os possíveis efeitos secundários ou adversos passíveis de ocorrência com as substâncias que compõem as soluções anestésicas durante a rotina de tratamento dos canais...
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Leia maisIntrodução: O conceito de Odontologia baseada em evidências requer a produção e publicação de pesquisas de alta qualidade em periódicos internacionais criteriosos. Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as taxas de publicação de resumos endodônticos apresentados na reunião da SBPqO nos anos de 2013, 2014, 2015 e 2016. Material e Métodos: O fator de impacto e a classificação Qualis dos periódicos, e o tempo decorrido entre o congresso e a publicação completa...
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Leia maisIntrodução: A solubilidade é uma propriedade relacionada à dissociação dos constituintes do material, pela ação do contato com o líquido circundante. Introdução: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da hidratação durante a varredura com microtomografia (micro-TC) sobre a alteração volumétrica do MTA HP. Métodos: foram utilizados 20 dentes incisivos superiores de acrílico com cavidade retrógrada. O cimento MTA HP foi inserido na cavidade com um condensador Paiva....
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Leia maisObjetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo é revisar a literatura sobre os tipos de guta-percha para obturação, as suas formas de apresentação e as características físico-químicas e biológicas do material. Métodos: Artigos publicados entre 1973 e 2016 foram selecionados nas bases de dados PubMed e Science Direct. Foram utilizados como descritores na língua inglesa “gutta-percha and obturation”; “cones of gutta-percha” e “obturation cones and endodontic”. Revisão: A...
Leia maisIntrodução: Alterações morfológicas na cavidade pulpar e na anatomia radicular podem constituir um desafio ao tratamento endodôntico. A dilaceração pode ser resultado de trauma na dentição decídua, na época da formação das raízes, provocando acentuada curvatura da raiz ou da coroa em um dente permanente. Objetivo: O presente relato de caso teve por objetivo descrever o tratamento endodôntico de um dente #41 com acentuada dilaceração radicular. Radiograficamente, a região...
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Leia maisIntrodução: O preparo químico-mecânico representa uma etapa fundamental, pois promove a antissepsia do complexo sistema de canais radiculares, viabilizando um ambiente biológico favorável para o processo de cura e reparo dos tecidos periapicais. Porém, insucessos podem acontecer em dentes tratados e retratados endodonticamente, sendo a intervenção cirúrgica frequentemente indicada nesses casos. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 32 anos de idade, melanoderma, apresentou-se à...
Leia maisSuccess, in the dictionary, is defined as “to succeed at something”, “to have a happy result at something”, or “to be able to reach the end of an endeavor”. Within Endodontics, following these concepts, some consider that success would be to accomplish the endodontic treatment, finishing it at the correct limit, with an excellent visual quality of the radiograph and in the shortest possible time.
Leia maisI graduated in Dentistry in 1986, from FOUSP, and started teaching a year later in the Endodontics Discipline at Faculdade Zona Leste, currently UNICID, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Aun, team that I joined until 2004. I got my master's degree in Endodontics in 1991 and my Ph.D. in 1994, both at FOUSP. I entered the University of São Paulo in 1993 and, since then, I have worked in undergraduate and graduate programs, training specialists, masters, doctors and post-doctors. In 2001, I...
Leia maisIntroduction: The indication of anesthetic solutions in routine endodontic treatments must be based on knowledge of the possible effects that these substances can trigger in systemically compromised patients. Aim: The aim of the present study was to prioritize the indication and discuss the possible secondary or adverse effects likely to occur with the use of substances of which anesthetic solutions are composed, during the routine treatment of root canals
Leia maisObjective: Evaluate the microhardness of bovine dentin tissue after exposure to endodontic irrigating solutions. Methods: Bovine dentin samples were randomly divided into 6 groups (n = 10) and submitted to the following treatments: saline (60 min); 2.5% NaOCl (sodium hypochlorite) (60 min); 2% gel CHX (chlorhexidine) (60 min); 17% EDTA (Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) (1 min); 2.5% NaOCl + 17% EDTA (60 + 1 min) and 2% gel CHX + 17% EDTA (60 + 1 min). Knoop microhardness was used for the...
Leia maisIntroduction: Evidence-based dentistry consists in the clinical application of concepts based on researches published as scientific papers in indexed periodicals. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the publication rates of endodontic abstracts presented in the meeting of SBPqO in the years of 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Materials and Methods: Endodontic abstracts presented between 2013 and 2016 were included. Then, they were classified into six categories: endodontic basic research,...
Leia maisIntroduction: Patients with Primary Sjögren Syndrome (PSS) have a higher incidence of dental caries. As a consequence, radiolucent periapical lesions (RPL) may appear. Objective: To determine the prevalence of RPL in patients with PSS and to radiologically characterize the teeth associated with RPL. Methodology: Cross-sectional study involving patients with PSS, recruited at the Rheumatology Clinic (HUCAM-ES), who were initially submitted to a socioeconomic questionnaire and clinical...
Leia maisObjective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate, ex-vivo, the pH elevation capacity on the external root surface of different calcium hydroxide (HC) pastes, utilized as intracanal medication, it was also evaluated the influence of the ultrasonic activation at the application within the root canal. Methods: 100 human single root superior incisors were used, which had their root canals shaped and randomly divided into 6 experimental groups (n=15) according to the following HC pastes:...
Leia maisIntroduction: Solubility is a property related to the dissociation of the constituents of the material by the action of contact with the surrounding liquid, for this reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the hydration during the scanning in the microtomography on the volumetric alteration of the MTA HP. Methods: Twenty acrylic teeth upper incisor with retrograde cavity were utilized. The MTA HP cement was inserted into the cavity using a Paiva condensor. The specimens...
Leia maisObjective: Evaluate the root canal morphology of permanent mandibular incisors, through the use of cone bean computed tomography (CBCT) in a population of Brazilian southeast region and its relationship with patient age and sex. Methods: A total of 1,484 mandibular incisors of 371 male and female patient`s medical records were analyzed using CBCT. The tomographic images were by the orthopantomograph OP300 tomograph, with voxel of 0.20 mm. The morphology of the teeth was evaluated according...
Leia maisObjective: The objective of this study was to identify the types of gutta-percha for obturation and their forms of presentation, as well as physical-chemical and biological characteristics of the material. Materials and Methods: Articles were selected from the PubMed and Science Direct databases, published between 1973 and 2016. Were used as descriptors: “gutta-percha and obturation”; “cones of gutta-percha” and “obturation cones and endodontic”. Review: Gutta-percha is a...
Leia maisIntroduction: The morphological changes in the pulp cavity and root anatomy can lead to difficulties in carrying out endodontic treatment. Dilaceration can be the result of trauma in primary dentition, in the root formation phase, provoking accentuated root or crown curvature in a permanent tooth. Objective: The present case report aimed to describe the endodontic treatment of tooth 41 with accentuated root laceration. Radiographically, the periapical region of tooth #41 showed an extensive...
Leia maisIntroduction: Root perforation is a technical-surgical accident that results in communication of the pulp cavity with periodontal tissues. This type of accident may have an unfavorable prognosis because it significantly affects the floor of the coronary chamber or the cervical, middle and apical thirds of the root canal. Factors that interfere with the prognosis of root perforations include location, extension, presence or absence of periodontal pocket, time elapsed between perforation and...
Leia maisIntroduction: Biological chemical preparation represents a fundamental step, as it promotes asepsis of the complex root canal system, enabling a biological environment favorable to the process of healing and repair of the periapical tissues. However, failures can occur in endodontic treatment and retreatment teeth, where surgical intervention is often indicated in these cases. Description: The patient, a 32-year old man, melanoderma, presented at the school clinic of a School of Dentistry in...
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